The first item on the checklist is physical activity. It is recommended for children to have 1-2 hours of physical activity throughout the day, including playing outside whenever possible. Click here for a great resource for ideas on how to keep your kids active.
Also don't forget to read this article, written by Dr. Jopling, then post a comment on our blog telling us what you are doing to implement F.U.N. in your families activities this summer! Anyone who leaves a comment on the blog will automatically be entered to win 4 day passes to Lagoon Amusement Park!
**Information provided by http://healthykidshealthyfuture.org
***Employees of Willow Creek Pediatrics are not eligible for the contest.
We've been having "lawn mower races" on Saturdays where the kids chase dad from one side of the yard to the other, trying to beat him running with the lawnmower. The kids LOVE IT!!!
We bought bikes for everyone in our family and go on family bike rides on the trail behind our house. Kids love this. We've also let them pick out a fruit and vegetable to plant in the garden and they are responsible to take care of it. Water it. Weed it. And then will be able to try it once it's grown. It's a fun way to learn more about nutrition and get them involved.
At least once or twice a week, we do a family friendly outside activity. We've done a couple hikes, and today we went for a long bike ride. To help the kids take a more active role in their nutrition, I have them help make the menu for the week, and we discuss whether or not their choices are healthy or not. If they aren't healthy, we talk about how we can make over the meal to make it healthier, or if there's a different meal idea that would be just as delicious, but better for making our bodies strong and healthy.
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