Summer is upon us and the kids are finishing up another school year and you are probably wondering "what am I going to do to keep the kids busy all Summer"? The physicians at Willow Creek like to emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle for children. This includes getting plenty of exercise and eating healthy. Summer is a great time to for kids to spend plenty of time running and playing outside! It is also a perfect time to get out as a family and practice a healthy lifestyle!
here to read an article written by our very own Dr. Jopling. This article provides great ideas on how to incorporate "F.U.N." (Family Fitness, Unity, Nutrition Activities) in your household! Read the article and then stay tuned for another awesome contest with another awesome prize....
My favorite summer activity is hiking. Most days, though, we walk or ride bikes to the park. I like the idea of keeping the calendar.
we are going to be swimming once or twice a week, and we go on family walks after dinner at least 3 nights a week, stopping at a park. We are going to add games like soccer or baseball too. We are starting to have 1 night a week for our older kids to help make a healthy dinner and eat at the table together.
We live an active, healthy life and we've raised our children to understand the importance of eating healthy and staying active. We avoid buying processed food, and we skip foods with preservatives whenever possible! Our kids don't feel deprived, because they understand the reasons why. The difference with summer vs. our regular routine is that in summer, we can do the things we love to do TOGETHER! Our favorites are: swimming, playgrounds, frisbee, family sports, hiking, camping and picnics. Summer is short, so we try to make the most of every single day.
We plan to do a lot of swimming and hiking this summer. Mostly we just plan to spend a lot of time at the park and outside running around together.
We are being active this summer by taking bike rides, swimming, going to the park and playing outside. We try to eat lots of fruits and veggies and make things from scratch and not out of a box because we have food allergies in our home.
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