Time for yet another awesome contest! For our Summer contest, read Dr. Jopling's F.U.N. article from Wednesday, June 8th. Then, tell us what you are doing, or what you plan to do this Summer to implement F.U.N. in your family! You must leave a comment on the blog to get your name entered in the drawing!
The winner of this contest will receive four day passes to Lagoon Amusement Park! Winners will be announced on Tuesday July 5th. Hopefully this will give you plenty of time to come up with some creative ideas for some F.U.N. in your household this Summer! Good luck!
We are planning to spend lots of time at the pool swimming together and running around (in the water). Also participating in bountiful baskets to get lots of fresh fruits and veggies and try things we've never had before. The whole family needs to expand our choices.
Our family plans on spending a lot of time hiking. Our oldest son just moved from his wheelchair to a walker so we want to try out all his old favorite trails in Zion to see how he does. We are also participating in the bountiful basket program as well and trying to ride bikes through the neighborhood. Heres to a heathly F.U.N. summer!
--Melody Terry and family
We plan on spending a lot of time outside, but funnest of all is our annual trip to Bear Lake with the extended family. Each sister takes a turn planning out a meal and we just enjoy each others company on the beach. Such fun times, delicious food and great exercise!
This summer we started a new "family project". We are having "no electronics" day's. It has been a little hard at first, especially with the tiny ones :) but we are doing great. We are so excited to have days when there is no tv or computer allowed on at all! Not even for mom and dad. Also, on those days we are planning other outings....most of them will coincide with either a service project, or a cub scout activity. This is going to be a GREAT summer!
I have young kids and they always request to go to a park. My husband and I do a few laps around the park while the kids ride their bikes along side us and then we all play on the playground afterward. Looking forward to this summer!
We have started off this summer by having short overnights to nearby destination outdoor activities. Walking along the Idaho falls and walking and playing at the tauphas zoo in idaho falls. Road trips are a great family together time talking, playing eye spy and alphabet games and talking for hours in the car. Having healthy snacks like great harvest bread in the car are great ways to keep nutrition as part of the adventure.
We are going to Disneyland, Sea World and the beach! We will also be spending a lot of time at the pool and Liberty Park.
we actually just got back from yellowstone where we did some hiking and had fun looking at all of the sites there. we also plan on swimming and goung to the park. we love fruits and veggies and plan on making these healthy snacks throughout the summer!
amber christensen
Welcome Summer! We plan on visiting many of the bike trails as a family across the state, including the ones down south! It is so fun to go on family bike rides and end with a picnic or snack (Healthy of course)! We also plan on going swimming at least 2 time a weeks...at grandma's pool. With 3 boys under 6, they have lots of energy to burn sometimes I have a hard time keeping up. Love Dr. Jopling (he's our dr.) and his article!
This summer we plan to go swimming and biking a lot! My kids LOVE being outside. Of course we will have lots of sunscreen on. We also like to grill chicken, veggies, and fruit in the summer! My kids are already great eaters so it's fun to make all of it for dinner and know they are eating healthy.
We have been pretty consistent with our nightly walks. Some nights both kids are in the stroller, some nights they both walk and some nights the older one gets to ride her bike while the younger one rides in the stroller. We try to switch it up a little while still getting out together every night.
We love the park and are planning on letting dad get in some frisbee golf while mom and baby have fun walking around the park and then spending time running around on the jungle gym. It is also fun to pack a little picnic to complete the night!
We plan on not spending one minute inside except to sleep, but we do lots of that outside too!
We will definitely be spending a lot of time outside playing. The park, the splash pad, etc. Going through a lot of sunscreen, I'm sure! We are also doing Bountiful Baskets to add more fruits and veggies into our eating!
Our family loves to explore the bike trails around the valley. We are so lucky to be in a place where we can find a trail on every corner. The two year old gets to ride in the trailer and the six year old keeps up with Mom and Dad. We also love baseball. We have extended family come and play a game or two. It gets pretty fun. Our family loves to be active and we are so glad it's getting to be better weather so we can enjoy ourselves outside as a family.
Our family loves to be outside, haven't really been out much for the past 10 months with a son with CHD. We are hoping that our sons heart surgery goes well that we can spend time outside, doing some camping, fishing, take the kids to the zoo. We are just going to get out and go as much as possible.
We started the summer with swimming lessons to start a habit of getting up and getting out, instead of sitting around watching TV and playing video games all morning, which has happened in summers past. Now we do something outside every day -- swimming, biking, walking, playing at the park, water gun fights, etc. Once we're in motion we seem to stay in motion. I've also been trying to offer yogurt instead of ice cream, and they love it. My youngest tried a red pepper raw for the first time the other day and said, "this is as good as a carrot!" That's what I love to hear.
~Rozanne Huff
Hiking, picnics, sprinklers and snowcones! What more could a kid want? :) (I won't mention the chores they have to do to earn these things since this is supposed to be about FUN).
-Rachel Moody
Summer is such a fun time to try new things. We play outside as much as possible. My boys are also leaning new activities and sports that they can introduce to the rest of the family so we can do things together. We try to have healthy snacks (mostly cut up fruits and veggies) accessible and ready to be eaten straight out of the fridge.
This summer filled up quickly! Between trips to the park, camping, growing a garden, swimming, hiking, library trips, and visiting farmers' markets, this summer will certainly fly by!
We are a soccer family so we are at practice and games several days per week (mom walks around the track during practice). We are also enjoying a lot of time swimming, biking and taking our dog on long walks. Next week we will be zipping through the trees (zipline) in beautiful Colorado. Another favorite summertime activity is planting our garden and then cooking with the delicious fresh vegetables at harvest time.
At least once or twice a week, we do a family friendly outside activity. We've done a couple hikes, and today we went for a long bike ride. To help the kids take a more active role in their nutrition, I have them help make the menu for the week, and we discuss whether or not their choices are healthy or not. If they aren't healthy, we talk about how we can make over the meal to make it healthier, or if there's a different meal idea that would be just as delicious, but better for making our bodies strong and healthy.
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