Reading to your children is such an important part in helping their little minds develop. Encouraging them to have love and passion for reading is a huge benefit as they continue their education. We were excited to hear that April is Poetry month and found some great resources you may want to check out or take a trip to your local library.
WCP doctors think that no educational DVD, no matter how well done, can match a book, as it makes kids think and teaches them to love reading. Reading books aloud is one of the best ways you can help your child learn to read. This can be fun for you, too. The more excitement you show when you read a book, the more your child will enjoy it. The most important thing to remember is to let your child set their own pace and have fun at whatever they are doing.
The AAP has a great article called Helping your Child Read that we would encourage you to read. We are lucky to have so many great libraries in our communities. Remember you can click on www.slcolibrary.org to see the different reading activities at your local library. They also have many resources including RIF--Reading is Fundamental an organization to encourage reading and have a calendar full of ideas for everyday of the month to encourage reading. Click here for this months calendar.
Below are 5 fun ideas to encourage reading and creative thinking.
Birth to 5 years**April is Poetry month so read Here's a Little Poem compiled by Jane Yolen **Lay a blue scarf on the floor. Tell your child it is a magical river and help them imagine ways to get across **Ask your child to tell you a story **See how many times your child can spot the number 3 today **Spend an afternoon at the library 6 years to 12 years**Check out a wordless book at the library and make up their own story **Make up your own tongue twister **Celebrate Earth day and find books about what you can do to help the environment **Go to a restaurant and write a review about what you ate **Spend time at the library Have fun learning to love reading....and try some poetry this month. **info from http://www.rif.org/ , http://www.aap.com/, http://www.slcolibrary.org/
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