Every week we try to bring you information that we feel like most parents would find useful. We hope that we are achieving this goal and that we are giving you access to information that you might not otherwise have. We would like to give you the opportunity to let us know what you would like to know about! If there is anything that you have always wondered about or anything that you would like to see us post about, leave us a comment and let us know! We love any feedback we can get!
I would like an article about Hip Dysplasia. My daughter, Paisley, was diagnosed at 5 weeks old and I feel like there is very little information out there about Hip Dysplasia. I would be happy to give my name/email address as a contact for other parents who have their babies diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia.
Thank you so much for your suggestion! We will talk to our doctors and gather some information regarding Hip Dysplasia! Watch for a post in the next couple of weeks! We appreciate your feedback!
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