Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our newest Doctor---Claudia Fruin

We are so excited to announce the newest member of our team here at Willow Creek Pediatrics. We have already had so many patients tell us how much they love having this amazing doctor here with us. Welcome Dr Fruin!---
Dr. Fruin is originally from Memphis, Tennessee.  She relocated to Utah in 1989 after finishing her pediatric residency in the Chicago Area.  She attended both college and medical school at the University of Illinois.  She has two grown sons, Ben and Paul, and two daughter dogs, Scarlett and Libby. Her husband Mark is a radiologist with Mountain Medical.  She has joined us as a part-time physician after working many years at the Bountiful office Grow up Great.  Dr. Fruin became a pediatrician because being around children and watching them grow up makes her happy.  In her spare time she enjoys movies, music, biking and working on child advocacy issues.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

New Text and Email notifications

We are excited to announce our new communication system for our reminder calls. We will be sending out a text or an email 2 days before your child's appointment.  We would like parents to confirm by text and email. If you do need to cancel or reschedule please call the office at 801-942-1800.  Our system can tell if the number they have is a cell or a land line. If there is only a land line it calls it 3 days before for a reminder call. We are hoping this will be a benefit to all of you. As a reminder if you don't cancel a Well Child exam 24 hours in advance a no show would be billed. For a sick visit we ask for a 1 hour notice. The no show fees are $35

Hopefully this new text and email system will be a benefit to you. Have a great day and stay warm!